Tree Perspective

Moonset at the River, Cottonwood Sunrise

Headed down to the river, this morning. I’ve been wanting to catch the Moon setting over the Mohawk for a few days now. Timing was great!

Full setting Moon over the Mohawk

I find it interesting that in all the years I lived in this city, growing up, I spent very little time at the river. I certainly never engaged with it as such. Now, I spend time walking along the Mohawk, feeling the energy and sound of the water flowing. I visit with the Trees, Sunrise, Moon and Wildlife.

This morning, the Full Moon greeted me, setting quickly, yet still above the distant Trees. Standing along the river bank, I felt drawn to a large Cottonwood cluster in the middle of the grass area. I felt inclined to stand close to this elder Grandmother Cottonwood. It’s size indicates it to be an old Tree, though in Cottonwood years, not so old as maybe an Oak or Maple of like dimensions.

Grandmother Cottonwood

I visited with Her, took a number of photos, and then felt directed toward some other Trees to the east. I quickly realized that the real intention of my being directed was to experience the Sun breaking the horizon.

The Sun greeted the Cottonwood greeting the Sun was an almost joyous occasion. I know that these two share this time on a regular basis. I consider it an honor and a blessing to have shared this experience.

Sunrise at the River

What a treasure to be invited to the River, feeling her peaceful, steady, powerful flow. How sweet to join in this energy under the magnetic presence of the setting Moon. How special to be invited into the glow of the energy that emanated from Cottonwood. How grand for all of this to be joined by the magnificence of the rising Sun.

Peter J Quandt
