As we look at the various stages in our lives, the changes we go through on physical, emotional and spiritual levels (at least) we can equate these stages with chapters in an ongoing book. Even so, we can imagine books containing their own chapters within the Great Book of our lives. My life is most certainly no exception and continues to evolve.
Right now, the book within the Great Book being written has to do with the evolution of both the blessing of having my “life partner” and I reintroduced to each other, and Our own growing, ever deepening relationship with each other and how our walking together now is effecting everyone we meet and know, as well as the blessings this all brings to Us.
Within this “book within” are chapters of the various stages we are going through in the evolution of our time together. Traveling from first recognition, to messaging, to phone calls (still a long distance event), and on to our finally being granted the opportunity to truly stand together, in the physical realm. In today’s early conversation, we recognized how this long distance relationship and subsequent moving forward into the soon to be physical relationship has been very graceful and divinely orchestrated. We’ve readily agreed that we’re done with the long distance chapter and do not want to return to that, at any time. Yet, it has all been very graceful.
As we move into the physical time together, we hold the knowledge within us that this is to be a continued blessed relationship that will not stop at only our sharing. As we grow together, we anticipate (and have already witnessed) our Love and intentions will effect everyone around us and beyond, in a very positive manner.
We are humbly grateful for these chapters now being written, look forward to those yet to be, and accept our roles together and how we will be a benefit to this world and life we live in.
Thank You.
Peter J Quandt