Tree Perspective

Music in our Spirit

Fascinating the way a simple piece of music, especially applied at the right moment, can connect with some inner sense, some inner emotion or need. Fascinating how, when we allow it to move us so, that connection can unleash most essential inner emotions.

This past weekend, I felt invited to allow a full day marathon of “Jesse Stone” movies to play the theme of the day. I first got the inkling on Saturday, looking to see if any of these might be “free to me” on the cable of choice here. That’s when I discovered that Sunday was presenting a full day. These movies I’ve known to stir something within me that I seem to need, at times.

I especially paid attention to what seemed to be drawing me to one and the next in the series. I first recognized the music. It observed as it seemed to nurture a need to engage with certain emotions. I allowed the energy to be absorbed and re-emitted. I felt something very basic speaking so gently, so soulfully, so spiritually, unobtrusive, yet not to be denied.

I realized that it appears to first be the music in these movies which garners my attention. Couple that with the setting (I do love New England), and the demeanor of the characters and the plot. Additionally, the continued introspection throughout these films draws on the same within myself.

Immediately prior to this weekend, I explored a stretch of Wood, Beach and Mountain along the Oregon Coast. During this gently unfolding day, and following it’s lead, I witnessed a number of occasions where Nature’s Music drew similar energies through me. I could feel the ebb and flow of Ocean on the beach, against the rocky shore. I sensed so strongly the passing of the Spirit of the Woods, via the breeze drifting through. There was the score played out by the myriad of Roots I passed over, around, witnessing the passing of time in the foundations of the Trees, so many of which had obviously sprung up off the nurturing bodies of those who had fallen before. There was the gentle music of the dance evident in the way the Rock was weathered, the Forest was sculpted.

Fascinating how the Music of Nature joins with the Music in our Spirit, whether we allow ourselves to pause and witness, or not.

Walk with Me.

Peter J Quandt

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