The moisture in the air, this cool morning, felt like it created a ceiling to the Woods that stood just above tree line. All sound and movement seemed condensed within the range from this ceiling to the Earth. Additionally, it felt as though this same moisture served as a sort of energetic conductor (similar to that of electricity) allowing all of the energies in the woods, plant, animal, mineral, that existed above ground to comingle, with the Earth itself as the common grounding force, bringing all existing energies to combine into one universal energy, including myself as well. The animals seemed to feel it as they did not so hurriedly scurry away at my presence.
As well, I became aware of the effect my very movement along the trail had on all about me. Like an otter, or duck, swimming through a still pond will not only leave a minor wake as it passes by, but will have the beginning of that wake, a sort of prow in front of them, as they displace the motionless water in front of them, prior to their passing. So, too, as I pass through the forest, there is a similar motion in the air, as well as an energetic prow and wake.
If you’ve ever noticed that you may feel someone’s presence nearby, as they are still a distance away, it is that same energetic displacement as they move through the waters of energy we abound in. As the sound waves carrying the audio of our feet on the trail present themselves in the forest, prior to our actual arrival, so too our energetic waves travel in front, to the sides and in our wake, as we move along. The standing tree may not give off more of a noticeable semblance of it’s energy than the minor feeling of heat. Yet, as that same tree falls, it displaces the energy around it, which we would witness if we were standing near.
Try a test of this concept, sometime, by standing near a door being slammed, or other like medium. See if you don’t feel that movement of energy.
Peter J Quandt