The question asked: So, what is it you do? You say you work with “Tree Spirit Medicine”. What does that entail?
The answer told: I work with “Tree Spirit Medicine”. I’ve always known of my connection with Trees. That connection is much deeper and more expansive than anything I could have realized. I’m tapped into a deep Wisdom and Knowledge from lifetimes ago. This knowledge is of a Spiritual nature, and is of the beginning of time on this Earth, and even before from another place. As I am coming to a place of remembering and knowing, both about “Tree Spirit Medicine” and of “Ancient Times”, I am becoming more and more able to express that energy on to this lifetime and all that is in this lifetime.
At this time, I have not written a book. I have not a PH.D. in anything. I do not have clients knocking on my door, calling me on the phone, sending me emails.
Thus far, the work that I am doing is in the form of writing down the information coming through, acting as a conduit, working with clients on a spiritual level. Sometimes I know who comes to me, others I do not. No matter. I don’t turn away anyone. I do have Reiki II, during the training of which I had doors opening and revelations coming through on a much more abundant way than ever before.
This Knowledge is as if stored behind a huge oaken door, with steel strap hinges, bolted through. It has never been a locked door. Yet, the hinges are stiff and it is slow to open. That’s as it should be. The wealth of knowledge and the immensity of energy stored there is such that should the door swing open too quickly, we would all be overwhelmed, as if an entire library of books were suddenly collapsed upon us and each of them in need of reading.
Some think me too serious about what I have to share. That is not correct. In fact, I am humbled, honored, awed, and in deep respect for what is to be shared, what continues to come through me. It is that respect which makes me sound serious. Truth be told, there is a great deal of mirth in this knowledge. Sometimes it is revealed in such unexpected and humorous ways I find myself shaking my head and saying aloud, “okay, I got it”.
This knowledge is offered on the Wind, a sense of the Trees and the Spirits of. It’s found in the Water, the Moon, the Animals, the Sun, the Sea, and indeed the Stars and the Earth itself. In fact, it is found in all of Nature, even humans (though as a species, we have moved far away from it). That is where I come in. I have served, on numerous occasions as the connection between people and Nature. This is the most important place I could be, right now. Even as we all become more enlightened, we still need the occasional (at least) reconnection to Gaia. That is where I stand.
I have had visions of past lives, standing in Lemuria on the time of its submersion. I have been a Druid, a Rom. I have been a priest, a shaman, a healer, a friend. Now, I am being asked to come full circle. I don’t know how that request will come to manifest into being, exactly. I have felt an incredible Love emanating from all around us. A Love that requires nothing other than to be acknowledged and shared. All of what I am experiencing requires to be shared. Quite honestly, if I could share with someone that which I feel within me now, if I could be allowed just one minute to let someone else feel this Energy and Love, it would change their life forever.
It is my intention to continue to allow the Wisdom and Knowledge to come forward. It is my intention to continue to stand in the space of the “connection”. When I “went down” with Lemuria, it was by choice. There was no fear for us that stood vigil, while others slept, knowing what was quietly and swiftly becoming. This is a role I committed to, many lifetimes ago. It is a commitment I am continuing to honor. The mundane of this lifetime, the habits and teachings of this lifetime often get in the way of the whole process. As I work to free myself of these habits, so I will become freer to share what is being brought back into this world through me.
Peter J Quandt
I’m curious to follow your development of these gifts that you are receiving.