Tree Perspective


Widdershins (also pronounced withershins) Scottish – In a direction contrary to the sun’s course, considered as unlucky; anticlockwise. ‘she danced widdershins around him’

For several years now, I’ve experienced a draw to move in a counter clock-wise movement, when visiting the Woods. This doesn’t always happen, though it has occurred during a number of visits. What this tendency for me is about is an unusual sense to gently spin full circle in a the widdershins (counter clock-wise) manner, for no apparent reason other than an energetic sense. Sometimes, by doing so the urge to do so goes away. Mostly, I will get this sense repeatedly during a visit to the Woods. I’ve also noticed that at times the movement casts me to pause in the direction from whence I am traveling from, as if to get a sense or nod from the Trees to continue on. It is as if, in this case, I am receiving a sense of affirmation that I am traveling in the right direction.

One evening, earlier this week, I was called to step out doors (in an abrupt calling) and walk toward the nearby park where there are tall Douglass Fir, White Oak and Hemlock. As I approached the Trees, they began to dance around in an almost mystical wind that seemed to appear abruptly. As I headed into the Wood, I began to get mixed messages in what direction to travel. This is unusual for me. I almost always get a definite invitation of direction of travel. This night, however, I felt that I was getting a sense to continue on the path, then to stop and look from where I just came, as if I were being drawn to return. Almost simultaneously I was directed to continue on in the direction I now traveled. At the same time, the turn made was always of widdershins direction and causing me to stop in my tracks, rather than make the movement as I walked.

This event left me very unsettled and is what has brought me to inquire about the movement itself. I’ve often wondered what significance there might be in my being drawn to the widdershins (counter clock-wise) movement. It’s not something I’ve dwelled on, until now. For some reason, on that night, it seemed incredibly important for me to be thrown back and forth while repeatedly stopping, then turning, then stopping, then continuing on. It was as if a great energy was passing through the area and I needed to be amidst of it for some almost sacred, or mystical reason. It was as if my pausing, turning toward the direction from where I had traveled from, then continuing on was connecting up some greater energy between the past and future travel. This widderhins movement amidst the very turbulent energy passing through seemed to be an important part of this action.

In what I have been told and read, the widdershins movement is used most often in a negative way and can be considered a bad thing. This except when used to open a circle cast during ritual, which is done in the deosil (clockwise) direction. That I understand. I have to wonder of anyone else’s interpretation of this tendency toward widdershins movement, on my part, when traveling through the beloved Woods. To me, in the moment, it doesn’t feel like anything negative. It feels as though there is a definite purpose to my being drawn to this movement.

From what I’ve read, the one purpose that resonates with what I am feeling is: “It might be used to destroy a negative event in ones past that is affecting and causing issues for them today. Destroying the memories or the hold those memories have on an individual could be the first step to healing. Out of destruction comes creation and sometimes a thing has to be destroyed in order to let it go and move on.” See:

Indeed, I feel at a point in my life where there is something that I have been carrying, possibly even from a past life, that I need to let go of. It is as if there is something that either once served me and does no longer, or that it is an old habit, old pattern I need to let go. A recent reading I’ve had from someone who works with Angels indicated it may be something I need to forgive myself for from a past life. A grave sin which may or may not have actually been accidental.

I’d love to hear anyone’s input on this all.

“Walk with Me”

Peter J Quandt

1 Comment

  1. Marco Racca

    I fully understand and agree, going “anticlockwise” because you feel it, because of healing grave sins. oh. and being directed by perspectives in the Woods. If you feel like, write me one day! thanks for your nice article. Marco Racca, Italia

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