I was hit with it just last night. I was approached by my “Girl” with something she wanted to share, something that was a might exciting. I could feel her enthusiasm, and I mean it was right out there. As for me, I was lying on the couch, not quite dozing, listening to some John Prine, when she called (a totally different space and frame of mind, altogether). So, being at seemingly the other end of the energy spectrum, I (unfortunately) did not meet her enthusiasm in any where near what she might have anticipated. In short, it was sort of as if a phone ringing in the other room snapped me out my space and me stumbling, even falling down, as I was getting off the couch, leading me to miss the call.
So, what was it that hit me? Lack of enthusiasm. I’ve known myself to be a very enthusiastic kinda guy, at times in this lifetime. Yet, it seems that I have grown a bit lackluster in recent years. I don’t know what caused me to drift off the enthusiasm boat. Perhaps it was meeting other people bearing my own enthusiasm for one thing or another, only to be dropped by their lack of the same. Maybe it’s a result of hanging with, working with, being around mostly people without enthusiasm, save for the people I have been meeting on Facebook.
Yet, I have seen this sense of enthusiasm on a regular basis, when going to the Woods. I’ve seen it even in a quick walking jaunt around the neighborhood, or an adventure to the beach and mountains. That being the case, how do I allow it a safe return to my everyday life? How do I meet my “Girl” with the same enthusiasm she bore last night? How do I meet other people with my enthusiasm for this life and the adventures, treasures and blessings it continues to bring to me? How do I not let anyone else’s lack of enthusiasm put a damper on my own experience?
They say not to take other people’s experience personally. Good advice. Their experience is just that, theirs. I like it when I am around other enthusiastic people. Let me rephrase that. I love it when I am around other enthusiastic people!!! I love my own Enthusiasm!!! I’m not going to let her down again. Better yet, I’m not going to let me down again. I have a great deal of enthusiasm within me. I may have to dig for it a little, right now. But, it’s there. I promise!
Lack of enthusiasm, even worse squelching our enthusiasm leads to dis-ease. I feel in dis-ease, with this more lackluster attitude. It’s time to notice what I am enthusiastic about and let me be so. It’s time to share my enthusiasm, in order that I might contaminate others, the way I was contaminated just last evening. And, if my enthusiasm isn’t met with the same, or if it makes someone else feel bad about their own lack of enthusiasm, well that’s just stirring the pot.
I’m climbing back on board the train ENTHUSIASM. Heck, I feel better already!!!
Peter J Quandt