There is a love, as a father has for his child,
There is a love, as a man has for a woman,
Yet, if this is true love, it comes from neither.
It is a love that is always there.
When we connect with a child, a parent, a relative,
When we connect with a loved one, of any manner,
True love does not come from us.
It travels through us, from the source.
However you see the Source, God, Christ, Universe, …
This is where all real love comes from.
For me, I feel it well up through me,
Like a tree receives nourishment through it’s roots.
No matter that there is no thing or person in particular,
To direct this love towards.
It is still there.
At times, I feel it fill my lower chambers,
As if they are void empty chasms.
At times, I feel it fill me up through my heart,
Indeed, beaming out through my hands.
I look forward to a time when I can once again,
Share this light of Love, which connects us all,
With all whom have lost touch with it.
Let this light shine through you,
As it does through me.
I had never known of the light in us that people speak of,
As I do now.
Some people, it is said, can “light up a room”,
I know how.
Peter J Quandt