“Old Clothes”, “Old Tools”
I’ve looked at the recent pictures my son took of me, for the event of my 60th birthday. In many of these photos, I witnessed a sadness, a stress, in my eyes. Or, so I thought it was. I put…
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I’ve looked at the recent pictures my son took of me, for the event of my 60th birthday. In many of these photos, I witnessed a sadness, a stress, in my eyes. Or, so I thought it was. I put…
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It seems I’ve been stumbling around, for some time now. By that I mean having a sense of myself and what I’m about, having a sense of my own passion for life, yet not having a full grip on anything…
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Witness the Dance in all of Nature, in all of Life. In honoring the Dance, so feel the Love that abounds in all. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.354272368056552.1073741837.244806762336447&type=1
For some time now, I’ve been looking forward to a time where I can really help people. I’ve been wanting to get to a place where I can do the most good. Often, I’ve asked the question, “what is it…
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